Tuesday, April 30, 2013

State and USAID Google+ Hangout

If you are attending or did attend the Google+ Hangout conducted by the PMF Advisory Council at State and USAID, you are welcome to post your thoughts in this thread.

During the event, this page will hopefully have the hangout embedded, but since I've never tried it before, it may not work as expected. If it doesn't, check out the original post for the event information.

[Just a note that the viewer window has been removed as per the request of the hangout organizers. Refer to the original posting on this topic for more information. Please feel free to discuss the event.]


  1. testing a first comment during the ongoing session.

  2. If you already working for the Federal government,can you transfer your time and everything to the PMF program?

  3. With a VIRTUAL career fair and NO contact information on the State website, how do you even find out what positions are available and how do you contact State? Lots of agencies in other departments, I've found out, are interviewing without even posting jobs on TAS. So how are we going to find out where the jobs are for State?

  4. One thing I should probably have noted: None of the tools for participation in the hangout are here. You can only watch the live video feed here. Later I will see if I can round up answers to whatever you all ask here :)

  5. I feel so behind on this search, I tried logging into TAS and it's down and have no idea how to approach agencies. The Hangout mentioned having interviews set up at the career fair, I wonder how that will translate into the Virtual fair interviewing.

  6. It's great you all had a lot of leadership development. At what point should we expect to supervise/lead line employees? What other sorts of leadership opportunities have you enjoyed? Thanks.

  7. Thank you so much! For any that are interested, there is a active linkedin group called Presidential Management Fellows Class of 2013 (170 members). 

  8. Does anyone know who confirms the Google group/how it works? I put in a request to join before the information session started and my confirmation is still pending.

    1. Maybe they don't like Laurens, since I'm having the same problem.

  9. Hi everyone.
    Has contact information for the panelists (those willing, of course) been published anywhere? Thanks for whatever advice you can provide, and good luck everyone!

    1. Hi Lauren, contact information for the panelists will not be posted. Please post your questions to the group. Panelists and other PMFs will be monitoring the group regularly. Also, you should be confirmed already.

    2. I still have not been confirmed for the google group.

  10. I am pleased to be here. Ready and fired up in becoming fully engaged not only in the conversation, but as a candidate! I wish all of my colleagues much success! -ShaneJCharbo2013

  11. If you have questions, the best place to post is the Google Group. No one was confirmed into the Group until today. We are cross-checking Finalists with OPM's list to ensure that only Finalists have access to the group. Panelists and other PMFs on the Advisory Council will be moderating the Google Group, so please post your questions there. Thanks! Hope you found it useful!

  12. My connection cut out. How many State Department/USAIDS PMFs were expected to be hired this year?

  13. Educated guess by current PMFs at State/USAID: 25-30 at State (they usually take 45-50) and 10+ at USAID (about the same as last year - sequester not influencing USAID as much supposedly)

  14. is any else having issue logging to the TAS?

    1. I had some problems last night and had to have my password reset. They reset it though and now I'm able to get in with no problems.

  15. One big piece of info if it matters for you: the State PMFs said generally they aren't negotiating past GS-9. The USAID PMF said "all" of them come in at 11s at least.

  16. Hi all, I am trying to reach out to someone at State and the PMF coordinator listed online (Yvette Wanner) is going to be out of the office for the next few days. Can anyone provide me with an email address for someone else at State? Ms. Wanner's autoreply was that hiring managers were reviewing resumes, but I would like to make my case to someone because my resume might fall through their filtering process.

    1. Did you receive the invite to the State meet and greet event? I got an email about it, but will not be able to travel to DC for something that is not a sure thing for me. If there were more agencies that were holding this, then maybe.......but I guess that's too much like an actual job fair???
