Monday, September 24, 2012

New Resource for PMF Hopefuls

This is a quick update to let you know about a new resource you can take advantage of.  Path to PMF is a new site sponsored by the Robertson Foundation for Government and put together by GovLoop.  In their words: is an interactive online resource designed to serve as the “go-to” guide for prospective applicants in navigating the PMF process from application to job placement.  The guide shares advice with applicants based on video and podcast interviews with more than 60 current and past PMFs, nearly a dozen career advisors, and several federal agency program coordinators. The site also hosts discussion forums where prospects can ask questions and support one another throughout the application process.
GovLoop has put a ton of work into past PMF guides, and this year the guide has been released on the Path to PMF website.  It's available now and highly recommended.

Path to PMF launch announcement.

PMF Guide

Robertson Foundation for Government

PMF Website

1 comment:

  1. Appreciate the shout-out. Inspired by all your awesome work on PMF.

